Facts About Energy Cord Cutting

By Casandra Cotton

Energy cord cutting is the disconnection of energy centers of two persons. They are linked to one another and their activities affect the other person. The cords are mostly established in cases where the communication was cut prematurely.

Cords are different from connections that are mostly between minds and hearts. They allow some sharing but there is no pulling exhaustion. Most people will not be aware of these cords and those aware cannot explain what is going on. However, people with a sense of sensitivity know what is going on but they do not want to speak about it.

Some of the distinct functions of any type of a cord are;receiving general energy from the other person, sending the energy and lastly both receiving and sending the energies. In other words energy transmission is the function of them. They are supposed to cut themselves off after the transmission is over and that is cause for no alarm. Some do not cut and they raise a number of issues.

Parents normally have ties with their children which is necessary because they are the means of communication between the baby and the mother and helps the mother learn about the needs of the babies. They naturally disconnect with time as the babies grow to form their own system. The healthy cords can be kept for as long as is necessary because they are of additional value to them.

However the negative ties still linger and the negativity is passed on from the mother to the baby or the other way round. They have the power to transmit emotions and other feelings of each other. And as they grow up they find themselves not able to explain some of their deeds as they got them from their parents.

Relationships also have a way of cording the people involved. Something holds them back and they find it hard to move on as the attachment is still there.Lovers are especially most affected and due to the size of the cord they end up draining most energy. Cords are not usually necessarily a bad connection however if people find themselves constantly thinking of that someone in particular, they may form a cord that will drain them and make them feel bad for no reason.

The cords can be disconnected to prevent them from causing any unwanted harm. It is really a process so mind preparedness is important. The will to do it also is very important because it is an individual process. To adapt and learn how to exist with them could be the only way out. Distance from the partner is considered a major help but some defy it.

A number of frauds happen through the energy cord cutting as some people who understand them try to make money out of the public. They establish a line of followers and transmit those energies to tie them to them. The amount of effect they have on people even without realizing is what makes it all special and fascinating.

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